Shipping & Returns

We want you to love the products that you buy from us. In case you have concerns related to your purchase, drop us a mail within 5 days of delivery with details at

In case you received the wrong item.

Drop us an email at or call us at 9315743367 within 5 days of the date of delivery. Our Customer delight team will resolve it at the earliest.

In case you received a damaged item.

Drop us an email with your order id and the picture of the damaged product at or call at 9315 743 367 within 5 days of the date of delivery. Our customer delight team will help you with your queries and resolve it at the earliest.

In case you have concerns related to the product.

Drop us an email at or call at 9315743367. Our customer delight team will help you with your queries and resolve it within 24 hours.

In case you need to cancel your order before it has been dispatched.

You can cancel an order within 3 hours of placing the order.

In case you need to cancel your order after it has been dispatched.

You can simply refuse to accept the parcel at the time of delivery as the order will not be returned once delivered.

In case your order is marked delivered but not received by you.

Drop us an email at or call us at 9315 743 367 within 3 days (72 hours) of the date of delivery. Our Customer delight team will resolve it at the earliest.

Shipping charges on purchase.

We offer FREE Shipping on all orders above Rs.249, which is notified from time to time. We also offer Cash-On-Delivery at no additional charge. You should consider the shipping rates shown at the time of check-out to be final.